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Turn chaos into clarity. Unlock sustainable growth.,profits.,balance.

The paradigm is shifting to AI. Businesses that adapt quickly will thrive, while the others wither and slowly die. It sounds extreme, but it’s true. We enable and implement AI as we align your people, processes, technology, and data. We instigate change with empathy, unlocking sustainable growth and an improved quality of life for you and your people.  


Are you facing any of these challenges?


Challenge 1

My company’s operations are a mess, and our workload is unbearable. 


Challenge 2

My team resists change and clings to outdated methods.


Challenge 3

Our growth is flat lining, or revenue is contracting.


Challenge 4

Our org chart is messy, and many people wear too many hats.


Challenge 5

We’re leaving money on the table, but I can’t get my team to act.


You need results now

You need results now, but know there are better answers than fixing surface-level issues. Addressing root causes and overhauling your business by aligning your people, processes, technology, and data will take time. There’s a lot to fix. You and your team will need quick wins that benefit your day-to-day, keeping your team motivated, engaged, and focused. 

Are you ready to work towards the ultimate objective while picking low-hanging fruit? Trick question - there’s never a perfect time to begin change. You just have to just start. 

Our services

If you’re like most small businesses, you struggle with disorganized data and lack a single source of truth. Without clean, accessible, and insightful data, it is impossible to make data-driven decisions. We will help clean and organize your data, revamp your data model, and establish robust data governance, helping your business become proactive and data-driven

Org Chart Clarity

We develop a clear and well-documented org chart defining each team member's accountabilities and responsibilities. By clearly outlining the roles, including for team members wearing multiple hats, we prepare to enhance accountability and streamline operations.

Streamlined Process Overhaul

You need processes incorporating automation and clear handoffs between team members. By working closely with your front-line employees, who take ownership of the project and contribute to the final solution, we ensure that revamped processes are practical and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

Tech Stack Consolidation

You’re struggling with disjointed systems causing inefficiencies and data silos, making it difficult to track customer interactions and manage the customer lifecycle. We will help consolidate your tech stack on HubSpot for marketing, sales, and support, enabling streamlined operations, seamless data integration, and improved team collaboration.

Data Clarity and Command

If you’re like most small businesses, you struggle with disorganized data and lack a single source of truth. Without clean, accessible, and insightful data, it is impossible to make data-driven decisions. We will help clean and organize your data, revamp your data model, and establish robust data governance, helping your business become proactive and data-driven. 

AI-Powered Business Transformation

Building on our work clarifying your org chart, streamlining processes, consolidating your tech stack, and improving your data, we leverage advanced AI technologies to automate your workflows, enhance decision-making, and drive sustainable growth, seamlessly integrating AI into your and your team's day-to-day workflows.

Guided Change Management

Most of our clients faced resistance from their teams when implementing new processes and technologies, leading to frustration and stalled progress. Our Guided Change Management process handles the bulk of change management for your team, instigating change with empathy and including employees in the solution to foster ownership. As a third party, we achieve what’s hard to do internally, contributing to a culture of adaptability and continuous improvement.

Go-To-Market Overhaul

Small businesses typically suffer from disjointed GTM strategies that fail to align marketing, sales, and support efforts, leading to missed opportunities and stagnant growth. Most of our clients are sales-led organizations with small marketing teams or contractors handling specific tasks. Our process includes analyzing and overhauling your GTM strategy to ensure your marketing, sales, and support teams work together effectively, driving growth and maximizing revenue.

Sales Process Optimization

We go through a process of removing complexity and creating a more straightforward, streamlined sales process with clear handoffs. Automation and practical AI applications ensure each deal progresses smoothly and efficiently, maximizing your team's productivity and driving consistent growth.

Support Process Optimization

Our work with you will help avoid many support tickets by first addressing root causes upstream. We utilize automation and AI for the remaining tickets to help customers solve their problems and streamline interaction with your support team when necessary. We help you solve for the customer and provide a fantastic experience, improving overall customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Why choose Revenue Creators

We instigate change with empathy.

As we drive change within your business, we speak the hard truths. We hold everyone accountable, including you. We know what it is like to own a business and be responsible for employees. We also know how hard it is to remain focused and strategic as you fight fires and solve problems. Our empathy comes from having once lived the life you’re living now. 

We evaluate your business holistically and address root-cause problems, not symptoms. 

The problems you see are surface-level symptoms of root causes. When you’re in problem-solving mode, working in your business rather than on your business, you only see what’s in front of you. We dig deeper. We find root causes upstream and the problems they cause downstream and holistically address them while managing the pace of change. 

We operate with a mindset of business operators, not consultants. 

We’ve bootstrapped businesses, raised funding from investors, and burned ourselves out by working too many nights and weekends. We know what it’s like to stress about meeting payroll. We know what it is like to have a dream, put the work in, and still feel like you’re revving your engine in neutral. We have also hired many consultants who either didn’t follow through or were too myopic in assessing problems and executing solutions. We are what we always needed but never had.

The age of AI is dawning, and we’re your guide and partner.

Your children and grandchildren will ask what you did at the dawn of the age of AI. They will marvel at how things were before AI, just as we marvel at the steam engine, the horse and buggy, and the sailing ships that charted our world. Are you a laggard? Are you risking your business, burning yourself and your employees out with processes rife with manual work? Is the pace of change in the world paralyzing you? Or, are you recognizing AI as the most significant opportunity in generations to create wealth and have a more balanced life? Do you realize that AI will help your employees do more quality work more quickly while it handles the crap they don’t like doing and augments and amplifies their best traits? We do. We have overhauled our business and have integrated AI into everything we do. We’ll do the same for your business.  

Are you a fit?

Just as it's crucial for your business to identify and target the right customers — those who truly benefit from your offerings and drive your growth — we carefully define our Ideal Customer Profile to ensure we deliver maximum value. The more closely you match our criteria, the better our partnership will be.

Are you a B2B business?

We specialize in helping B2B companies streamline their operations, enhance their sales process, and apply AI. 

Do you have a sales team?

Your business must have a dedicated sales team that we can help optimize and support through our tailored strategies. 

Is your revenue at least $2 million?

Our services are designed for businesses with a minimum annual revenue of $2 million, ensuring we can deliver impactful results. 

Do you have between 10 and 40 employees?

We work best with small businesses that have between 10 and 40 employees, providing personalized and practical solutions. 

Are you ready to embrace change?

With our guidance, you should be open to change and looking to improve, innovate, and grow.

Our process

Step one: Free assessment

Uncover Opportunities with a Free Assessment 
Our complimentary assessment identifies your major pain points and business objectives. We provide a high-level overview, offering immediate recommendations and a roadmap for deeper exploration.

Step two: Growth Blueprint

Crafting Your Path to Success 
Our in-depth assessment delivers a comprehensive Growth Blueprint, mapping clear roles, streamlined processes, optimized technology, and improved data management. The Growth Blueprint will document the work required to reduce friction and prepare your business for AI. We prioritize recommendations to ensure impactful changes align with your business goals and a plan to manage change for you and your team.


Step three: Short-term project (with quick wins)


Achieve Immediate Impact 
Focus on a defined, shorter-term project that addresses pressing issues and delivers quick wins. This phase builds mutual trust and showcases our expertise and ability to provide value, setting the foundation for long-term collaboration. Our initial project typically involves utilizing AI to save time and improve the quality of work. 


Step four: Sustainable growth without going crazy


Sustain and Scale Your Success 
Transition to a long-term engagement for continuous support, optimization, and strategic growth. We partner with you to maintain momentum and scale improvements, ensuring your business thrives in the long run. During this engagement, we will orient your entire business around AI that has secure access to your data and transforms how you and your team work, saving time while improving quality. 


Our founder

Dan Kurt always wanted to be an entrepreneur. Some of his earliest memories are of watching the A-Team in the basement at his grandparents' house while his grandfather made sales calls and ran his business. From an early age, Dan associated the love he felt from his grandfather with entrepreneurship and pursuing growth and success. Dan has bootstrapped businesses, raised money from investors, and utterly and wholly burnt himself out several times. He has felt the pressure of payroll. He has felt guilt and anxiety telling his wife he once again had to stop paying himself. AI is the single most significant opportunity for businesses in generations. Dan has made it the mission of Revenue Creators to help small businesses transition into the age of AI, growing more profitability than ever while preserving and growing jobs and increasing the quality of life for owners and employees alike. 
